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Mai lieben Nochpers oder Sprechen Sie Karpatendeutsch? (2015-2017)

Documentary Film about Carpathian Germans and their language

Reminiscencie in co-operation with the Comenius University in Bratislava and Goethe Institute in Slovakia produces documentary film Sprechen Sie Karpatendeutsch? (Do you speak Carpathian-German?) based on s.c. language biographies of representants of slowly diminishing Carpathian German language richness in the Slovak territory. The history of Carpathian Germans in Slovakia was from the end of the WW2 till now subject of hate, violence, hesitation and later simplification to their folklore traditions. The film team (Jozef Tancer, interviewer, Viera Bačíková, cinematographer, Peter Toman, sound master and Anna Grusková, director) since 2015 have been travelling through Slovakia, where this minority used to live since 12th century, and made recordings and footages with the aim to preserve and present unique traces of once industrial and agricultural leading nationality on the today´s Slovak territory. The “music” of “correct” German language, influenced by local vocabulary, syntax and both local and global history are living testimonies of Slovak, German and European cultural diversity. It is a challenge to do a film mostly in almost forgotten language(s) about forgotten stories of collective guilt.

Work in progress video and examples of language biographies on demand.

Photo©Anna Grusková